Through this worldwide pandemic, Muslims are celebrating Ramadan. Ramadan is a religious practice in which Muslims do not drink nor eat while the sun is up. This year it started Thursday, April 23 at dawn, and will end when the sun sets on May 23.

During Ramadan, Muslims pray and fast together, but while in quarantine, they cannot gather in groups other than their own family. The Mosques have been closed so they cannot attend to pray there or gather in large groups.  Many small businesses that relied on Ramadan festivities to sell food or items during this time have been forced to close for the same reason.

A Griffith’s Middle School Parent responded during an interview “We aren’t able to go to the Mosque to pray.” when asked how Covid-19 and the quarantine affected her traditions during Ramadan. When asked if having many restaurants closed early affects the fasting rituals she replied: “We actually make our own food so it’s not much of a problem.” When asked if she saw any positive outcome form having Ramadan be precisely during this quarantine timeframe, she said: “we don’t need to go to school.” with that said, distance learning does have a positive side for some.

In any religion, you face trials throughout history, and it’s your faith that holds you together.

“There was World War II or natural disasters, but from past literature, historical texts, and various archives, I found that Muslims still gathered during Ramadan, despite the war or disasters, and still observed their religious rituals together.” credited from the article Aljazeera.