Native Australians are trying to protect the Bilbies using an app called “Tracks”. Descendants from Australian families will be the first to use the new app. The app will allow people who speak different languages to record sightings of signs of BIlby activity. Many people are calling are calling the computer designed program “bilby blitz.”

Twenty and more ranger groups have started using using the app. Some organizations participating are Central Land Council (CLC), Kimberley Land Council, Central Desert Native Title Services, Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa and the Ngaanyatjarra Council. The app was originally made for the CLC. Other than English the app is also available in Warlpiri. Warlpiri is one of the languages spoken by one of the indigenous group. Soon the app will include more languages used all over the world.

The app will also allow people who are not scientists to gain better understanding of how important it is to help protect endangered animals. Craig Le Rossignol, coordinator of the Tjuwanpa or Hermannsburg ranger group states “The key for Aboriginal life is continuation, the key is that information, that continued information, that keeps us going.”

We hope that the app “Tracks” will help prevent the extinction of Bilbies considering we have already lost at least 99.9% species because of loss of habitat and hunting. It would be a shame to lose one more animal species.

Photo by australiaadventuresummer2015