Are you failing your classes and want to know a way to keep up your grades? Well you came to the right place. Here we will tell you some ways to have good grades and some easy tips to stay focused. You should keep your grades up because if you want to go to a good college you need to have good high school grades, which means you need to have good grades all before that too. Keeping up your grades means you can also perform in activities that you like, or even clubs. 

One way to keep your grades up is to take notes during your zoom classes. Even though you aren’t asked to, it’s still very important. Taking notes can be really useful like if you need to go back or you’re confused on something you can just look at your notes. You can also ask questions in class to make sure you understand.

Another way to keep your grades up is by staying focused in class and putting all distractions away like phones. Being focused is super important because if you don’t stay focused you will be confused on what you learned and will probably try and ask other people what you guys learned. Maybe they weren’t paying attention either and you’re not learning anything from it. If you are confused because you missed some of the lesson, then ask your teacher for help and next time you know.

These were some ways to keep up your grades during this pandemic. During times like these it’s most important to keep your grades up so you don’t fall behind. Hopefully you use these methods in order to keep your grades up! Make sure to always take notes and stay focused during class. 

By: Cyani Rodriguez and Ella Lopez